Rick Grimes
Lane School Superintendent
Lane School District students, families, and community,
First and foremost, I am honored and excited to lead the work of the Lane School District in my role as Superintendent. Throughout my career, I’ve had the pleasure of educating and leading in the roles of Teacher, Coach, Athletic Director, Principal, and Superintendent. I am excited to be at Lane and I was fortunate to work with many dedicated and inspiring educators here.
I believe relationships are the heart of education. Rita Pierson, an educator who did a TED Talk with millions of views says, “Every child deserves a champion: an adult who will never give up on them, who understands the power of connection and insists they become the best they can possibly be.” Relationships are the foundation in a students’ education and at the heart of their academic achievement and growth.
Lane School District exists to guarantee a safe and caring environment where ALL students learn at high levels. In Lane, our goal is 100 percent: 100 percent of our students leave with a eighth grade diploma, an intentional plan, AND be ahead of their classmates wherever they go to high school. I believe all our students have the potential for incredible growth as a result of learning opportunities we create for them. This belief comes from a dedicated team deeply committed to preparing every student for living, learning, and achieving success as a citizen in a changing world. In my opinion, there is no higher calling than to serve in public education.
We are proud of our long history and traditions and will continue to strive to be the best. Our job is to prepare students for their future, and we believe there is no better place to inspire and motivate than the Lane School District.
Every student in our school system deserves our best every single day, and our aim is to ensure this continues to occur. I am honored and humbled to serve as Superintendent at Lane. I look forward to the opportunity to continue to work with our students, staff, families, and community as we build upon the exceptional educational foundation that is in place.
For our children, our community, our future ~
Rick Grimes

Proud to be an Eagle!